VOIP and Phone
Improve your business or personal communication with services tailored to your needs.
Crucom gives you the freedom to switch from your traditional phone system to VoIP that transmits your phone calls over an IP network.
Depending on your needs, we can offer you the choice of a telephone network or VoIP. With VoIP, it means you can access your voice communication in any place in the world – perfect if you need to make lots of international calls. You can also engage with more than one person on VOIP so you can hold conference calls and keep in touch with all your family members halfway across the world.
Talk to Crucom if you are interested in trying out VoIP for your business or home.
We will give you an analysis of your telephone usage to give you the best solution for your calling needs.

Years of Experience
We’ve been helping great Kiwi businesses with their IT needs for over 20 years!
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No Fixed Contracts
We partner with our clients, finding out what they want and delivering what they need.
After many years working in the IT industry, we were constantly frustrated with major telecommunications providers.
Sick of being put on hold while the business work piles up on the table, the wait can last for days without any progress. Every time we had a problem, we were costing ourselves and our clients major downtime and we could only watch the money go down the drain. No matter what size business or industry you are in, these problems happen to everyone. As most telecommunications providers offer similar services at similar prices, the only true difference is the level of support and service. Crucom was established to become the solution in the IT industry.Location is everything
We’re based in Silverdale, and working with businesses all over New Zealand making IT easier.